Latest Sightings recently shared a compilation video celebrating the upcoming baby season; you will love watching all the cubs and pups playing. Kruger National Park, South Africa (16 November…
The popular South African YouTube channel, Latest Sightings, has set up a crowdfund to support game rangers through the tourism lockdown. South Africa (08 May 2020) – Nadav Ossendryver, the…
Latest Sightings recently posted a look back at their top 10 Kruger National Park Sightings for 2017 Latest Sightings uses the concept of crowd-sourcing, combining social media such as…
A first-time tourist to the Kruger National Park Captured a once-in-a-lifetime showdown between a leopard who thought he was clever and some baboons who were not to be underestimated. …
A young leopard found a lost duckling while waiting for mom to return; much like a domesticated cat, the leopard played with the duckling – thankfully, the terrified bird outsmarted…
This local lioness in the Kruger National Park proved that a mother’s love spans rivers! After her cub floated astray, ‘Mama Lion’ wasted no time in getting her little one…
A roaming male lion attempting a water crossing found himself in hippo-infested water and had to scramble for safety on a rock; he needed to get back to land, quick!…
A fully grown buffalo and a fully grown Nile crocodile faced off in a painful but awe-inspiring showdown of strength recently, showing just how powerful each species is. Greater…
Hyenas are known for their laughing sounds, but it was the safari guests who had the biggest laugh at a Hyena sighting recently; this sighting may not be safe for…