Auto & General’s promises were devised based on research into the real needs of customers, which the insurance industry as a whole does not always deliver on.
South Africa (22 September 2020) – In these uncertain and unpredictable times, service reliability is crucial. But, how many companies actually practice what they preach, are accountable for their actions, stick to their promises and put their money where their mouths are? Now is the time to make firm commitments and stick to them.
This is exactly what Auto & General Insurance has done through its new Service Promise, which offers its customers’ the right to exceptional service.
“If for whatever reason, we are unable to keep a Service Promise we have made to our customers, we’ll pay them a self-imposed penalty fee of R500,” says Ricardo Coetzee, Head of Auto & General Insurance.
Auto & General’s promises were devised based on research into the real needs of customers, which the insurance industry as a whole does not always deliver on. The promises include having access to a dedicated claims consultant throughout their claims process; their vehicle being repaired right the first time, and having assistance in an emergency, 24/7.
Auto & General has also launched a claims certainty guide which details the steps to take to ensure an insurance claim is honoured.
The guide is based on over 30 years of experience on what to do, and what not to do when it comes to insurance. It highlights the time limits on claim notifications and reminds policyholders too, for example, have their vehicle inspected; be honest about their insurance and claims history; declare the details around their vehicle usage; have a tracking device fitted if it is a requirement; insure their belongings at their current replacement value, and ensure they note the regular driver on their policy.
“Our Service Promise creates a culture of ‘service excellence’ and ultimately, allows Auto & General to maintain client satisfaction and brand loyalty. In a world full of uncertainty, we are promising certainty. In a world full of unpredictability, we are promising reliability.” concludes Coetzee.
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