Bell Pottinger London Picket 1

South Africans protested against Bell Pottinger for spreading racist propaganda in the media


On Friday the 14 July 2017, the DA Abroad and UK-based South Africans held a picket outside of the PR agency, Bell Pottinger, in London. This follows revelations that the UK-based firm spearheaded a racially divisive propaganda campaign in South Africa on behalf of South African President Jacob Zuma and his corrupt associates, the Gupta family.

The DA Abroad planned to hand over a memorandum to Bell Pottinger on behalf of the DA demanding that all profits from their work for the Gupta family be put towards building schools or any developmental non-government organisations in South Africa, however a representative from Bell Pottinger was not available to receive the memorandum.

Instead the memorandum was emailed to Bell Pottinger.

Last week, the DA lodged official complaints against Bell Pottinger with PR advisory firms, Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA) as and Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR).

Founded in 1969, the Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA) is a UK-based PR and communications membership body, operating in 55 countries around the world. We represent in excess of 20,000 people across the whole range of the PR and communications industry.

The PRCA promotes all aspects of public relations and communications work, helping teams and individuals maximise the value they deliver to clients and organisations.

PRCA agreed to the DA’s request for an investigation and if there is substantive prima facie evidence, the PRCA will either refer the matter to a Committee or proceed with disciplinary procedures.

Francis Ingham MPRCA, Director General, PRCA, said: “As previously confirmed, the complaint filed by Democratic Alliance (the South African political party) against Bell Pottinger is being considered by a Professional Practices Committee.”

“With the former having provided a detailed complaint addressing the PRCA Professional Charter and Codes of Conduct and the latter having provided written observations in response, we want to thank both sides for their cooperation so far. The Committee will now decide whether to fix a time and a place for a full hearing.”

This picket has shown that South Africans at home and abroad will not waver to stand up to Bell Pottinger for the damage they have caused to our country. This message is further reinforced by the use of #StrongerThanBellPottinger on all social media.

“The PR firm, last week, issued an official apology to South Africa, which in truth was an admission of guilt – if not a PR-stunt brought on by the public pressure applied by the DA and the South African public.”

“Their apology was simply not enough, and the DA will ensure that Bell Pottinger faces the full consequences of their actions.”

Below are some pictures from the day:

Bell Pottinger London Picket 1 Bell Pottinger London Picket 1 Bell Pottinger London Picket 1 Bell Pottinger London Picket 1 Bell Pottinger London Picket 1 Bell Pottinger London Picket 1

Sources: Press Release
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About the Author

Brent Lindeque is the founder and editor in charge at Good Things Guy.

Recognised as one of the Mail and Guardian’s Top 200 Young South African’s as well as a Primedia LeadSA Hero, Brent is a change maker, thought leader, radio host, foodie, vlogger, writer and all round good guy.

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