Johannesburg Artists

Ornico is a media specialist hosting an art auction featuring Johannesburg Artists, funds raised will be donated to the Malvern Primary School


Ornico is a media specialist and brand intelligence firm with branches based all over Africa. Their latest achievement was to acquire a building based in Sandton and to celebrate the company is hosting an art auction featuring some of Johannesburg most prestigious Artists.

“We are calling on clients, service providers and friends who helped Ornico grow, to celebrate this milestone event with us,” said Ornico CEO, Oresti Patricios, adding: “Marketers, brand owners, inner city neighbours, patrons of the arts and art lovers are all invited to take part in the auction to benefit education.”

Ornico will host the auction of art to raise funds for Malvern Primary School which is situated on the corner of Jules and Frere Streets in Malvern, Johannesburg.

Ornico has taken over the old Natal Bank Building which was declared a national heritage site in 1990, and is the oldest standing bank building in Johannesburg.

‘The building was empty, beginning to fall into a state of disrepair, and desperately needed refurbishment. Ornico has spent the last six months working with Sakhive Construction, a Jozi based construction and restoration company, to repair and renovate the site.’

The auction will host some of Johannesburg’s most talented artists, the artists practice in a variety of mediums. From paint and charcoal to photography. The auction will be called ‘Bridges That Connect Us’ and once the auction has taken place the art will be exhibited for the public to view.

“By supporting local, Jozi-based art and artists, we believe we celebrate Jozi’s unique culture and history. Art is a language that helps us understand each other, both in pain and in joy. It also creates opportunities for related endeavours, like design and innovation, and definitely contributes to economic growth through attracting cultural tourism and even encouraging investment,” the Ornico CEO adds.

The collection of Johannesburg artists participating in the exhibition and auction of artworks include Mbongeni Buthelezi, Tshidzo Mangena, Solomon Omolayo Omogboye and many more.

People who live, work and play in Johannesburg are also invited to view this art exhibition on Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 February 2017 from 09H00 to 15h00. At the old Natal Bank Building situated at 90 Albertina Sisulu Road, in Johannesburg.

Johannesburg Artists
Michael Selekane

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Sources: Press Release

About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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