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A South African company have created a brilliant App to help communicate with the Deaf community… and it’s available to download for free!


eDeaf was recently profiled in an article titled South African business making all the difference! Deaf solutions for a hearing world, and we received a number of queries all asking a similar question:

“But how will we be able to communicate with the Deaf staff member?”

The good news is there is a solution – a South African Sign Language (SASL) application that has been developed by the eDeaf team and is now available at no-charge to anyone.

The goal of this app is to bridge the communication gap between Deaf and the hearing by allowing people to simply search for a word or specific phrase on any mobile device that has the app installed.

Nazreen Captieux-Bhana, CEO of eDeaf was kind enough to take us through the workings of this app – “The app plays the video of the specific sign, allowing a hearing person to communicate with the Deaf and to learn specific signs.”

“eDEAF was and will continue to be responsible for filming, editing and uploading the sign for each word or phrase. Any words or phrases that are required by specific companies or industries can be requested, and eDEAF will have them uploaded”.

This is an integral part of eDeaf’s 2017 campaign focused on partnered solutions.

eDeaf COO, Jesse Kotze further emphasised this partnered solutions approach emphasizing that over 120 companies in various vocations, have placed over 2500 students, with formal training and qualifications from eDeaf.

Therefore it is vital that we are able to provide the tools to assist these businesses in communicating with their Deaf staff breaking down the traditional communication barrier. Various important and more commonly used signs have been embedded into the app, and these help to kick off communication between the Deaf and the hearing. SASL signs such as: the alphabet, general greetings and queries, days of the week, months of the year, various emergency services as well as general conversation starters.

For any person to learn Sign Language, or any language for that matter the best way is to simply start interacting and using that language in conversation.

In the case of sign language, it is no different, by communicating with the Deaf through the help of the SASL app, this will kick start this process.

A knock on, but equally important effect of this app is for hearing parents of Deaf children are now able to communicate and learn sign language through this app as a reference tool.

Why not download the eDeaf SASL app from your play store (android) or app store (iPhone) today and start learning today!

To find out more about how you and your company can be involved with eDeaf visit their website.

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Sources: eDeaf

About the Author

Brent Lindeque is the founder and editor in charge at Good Things Guy.

Recognised as one of the Mail and Guardian’s Top 200 Young South African’s as well as a Primedia LeadSA Hero, Brent is a change maker, thought leader, radio host, foodie, vlogger, writer and all round good guy.

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