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A South African company has just launched 7 FREE online courses to build digital skills including Digital Literacy, Entrepreneurship and Cybersecurity!


As part of its commitment to support the workforce of the future and the NDP2030 Youth Ambassador programme, Cisco today announced the release of seven free, self-enrol online courses to help South Africans to develop their digital skills.

In doing so, the company is pledging to train an additional 100 000 students by 2020.

Underpinned by the Cisco Networking Academy, which celebrates its 20th year in South Africa in October, Cisco announced that it will work with education, industry and local communities to skill or retrain individuals to develop the next generation of talent to thrive in the digital economy.

“The future global competitiveness of South Africa will be determined by our commitment as a nation, and as employers to ensure that we have the skills required for a thriving digital economy. The education system alone cannot be expected to keep up with the increasing skills gap. As technology leaders and future employers, we are partnering with Government and the education ecosystem to ensure that South Africans are given more opportunities to be part of the workforce of the future,” said Cathy Smith, Managing Director for Cisco Sub-Saharan Africa.

“Not so long ago, I identified ICT as a way to lay a solid foundation for rapid and inclusive economic growth in our country. Together with Cisco, we are going to provide skills development opportunities through training, internships and mentorship for young graduates and budding entrepreneurs,” said Minister Jeff Radebe.

To deliver on its pledge, Cisco has launched free online training courses (available in English) and accessible to anyone, anywhere on the following topics (to find out more or to enrol, just click the links):

Cisco’s skills programmes are built around three principles:

Providing access to the right skills, when they are needed

Teaching computer literacy at an early age is vital to preparing young people for future employment, but it doesn’t end there. Cisco believes in providing access to digital skills training when it is needed, from working with education departments to help teach the basics of cybersecurity at school to providing platforms for professionals to develop their coding capabilities.

Providing an opportunity for everyone

With 90 percent of jobs anticipated to be digital by 2020[1], it is not enough to only train for the technology industry. With over 72 Networking Academies in South Africa, Cisco works with partner organisations to create digital opportunities in the formal education sector through schools, colleges, TVETs, and universities, but also in non-traditional environments like prisons, homeless shelters, schools for the blind, and through training partnerships with innovation hubs.

Using our networks to help as many people as we can

No one organisation can do it alone. Cisco has a channel-based business model and believes in the power of partnerships. The task at hand requires industry and academia to work together. It also requires a different approach to reaching the widest range of people, with the biggest impact.

Today’s announcement is the latest example of Cisco’s commitment to support South Africa in the growing digital economy. Cisco’s partnership with government, industry and academia to deliver real outcomes faster and more effectively is part of the company’s global commitment to accelerating digitalisation of countries around the world.

Sources: Cisco
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About the Author

Brent Lindeque is the founder and editor in charge at Good Things Guy.

Recognised as one of the Mail and Guardian’s Top 200 Young South African’s as well as a Primedia LeadSA Hero, Brent is a change maker, thought leader, radio host, foodie, vlogger, writer and all round good guy.

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