If you have ever wondered when the right time to promote yourself as a freelancer would be… the time is now!
Johannesburg, South Africa – Being able to produce various income streams, can have a generous impact on your money matters. A mere R5000 extra income each month could go a long way in minimising debt or increasing small investments that you may have.
We often hear our family members and peers talking about the importance of ‘diversifying our investments’ as a means of secondary income, but diversifying your income streams should be the primary objective, especially during this challenging economic climate in which we find ourselves.
Along with that, we have seen an evident boom surrounding the Freelance industry in South Africa. Many of us allude to the idea that, because it’s a struggle to find permanent employment in this country, people are forced to venture into freelancing. But, what if you were told that more and more South Africans are choosing the freelance lifestyle on their own accord? Managing your own time, being your own boss and being in control of your own schedule, sounds like a very attractive way of life – and people are doing it!
Freelancers are usually experts/skilled professionals in a niche area. You can find them in every area of expertise, from HR managers and lawyers to creatives like graphic designers, photographers, PR and social media specialists, to copywriters and bloggers/influencers/brand ambassadors or journalists.
Other freelancers are referred to as ‘side-hustlers’, a self-explanatory term; people who run side hustles, apart from their full-time job as a secondary income stream.
Some of which you would never believe could be lucrative such as, dog walkers, karate instructors, babysitters and piano tuners, to name a few. Online recruiters are starting to pick up on this trend and big tech companies like JobVine, have even developed an entire department purely dedicated to freelancers and side-hustlers, JOBVINE FREELANCE.
Just like securing permanent employment is not easy; getting a freelance contract can be even harder. That is why it is vital to seek out platforms on which you can promote yourself as a freelancer – and where you know employers and recruiters will visit, specifically to seek freelance talent.
According to Forbes, by 2020, the majority of millennials will no longer be in an office job. Instead, they’ll choose the life of a freelancer, because this lifestyle allows them to have multiple income streams/secondary income, within a culture that they’ve created for themselves… to put that into perspective, that is next year! And even though millennials prefer to make a decent amount of money, best believe they will leave their full-time jobs if they’re unhappy with the company culture and start promoting themselves as freelancers. It is time that employers jump on this.