SaveTNet and Nexus are working with Grade 11 learners, providing a Leadership Programme and help on how to study abroad in America.
The Leadership programme run by SaveTNet and Nexus is designed to help learners and parents make informed decisions about studying oversea’s. CEO Ric Ramsey of Nexus is in South Africa to help guide future university students into making the best choice when studying oversea’s.
“NEXUS injects cultural leadership activities into every programme, allowing students to get a glimpse of what the culture is really like on a particular campus or in a specific career. This real-world immersion goes way beyond your standard STEM or test-prep summer camp and actually helps students from throughout the world find the right fit for their future”
Nexus offers the opportunity for students to spend two weeks at an American University and to absorb all aspects of life living and studying abroad. The programme is set to take students to Villanova University and Penn, University of Pennsylvania. While at one of the selected universities, the Grade 11 learners will be able to attend fascinating classes to get a true feel for the study aspect.
Ric Ramsey is in South Africa to host information sessions for students and parents considering study abroad. The information sessions are based in Johannesburg and Pretoria from the 16th to the 18th of February.
“International students gain valuable training of how to connect with native country students before enrolling in the college”
For more information about the programme or to attend one of the information sessions contact Rianette Leibowitz from SaveTNet here.
Please help me am really interested