Business must play its part to minimise infection and maximise compliance.
South Africa (27 May 2020) – As South Africa prepares to come out of lockdown government is looking to employers to take responsibility to mitigate risk as much as possible and assist with monitoring, testing and tracing.
Navigating the process will be tricky, but help is available through the Return2Work Initiative. The collaboration between government, business and social partners has created the website that hosts a meticulously curated and comprehensive range of tools and simple step-by-step guidance to support businesses in re-opening and staying open.
Considerable planning is required to ensure that every employee is fully aware of how to responsibly minimise the possibility of infection and maximise operational compliance within the frameworks developed by the government. Businesses need to have conversations with stakeholders, including trade unions, sector bodies and organisations, and bargaining councils. Risk assessments will be required as will the re-examination of activities, workplace environments and HR and health & safety policies. is designed to provide businesses with everything they need to re-open and stay open in line with legislation and other guidelines. It provides extensive planning and readiness tools, templates, training materials and recommendations through easy to follow step-by-step roadmaps.
Also available is access to a range of Covid-19 business support resources about funding, financial relief, and general support to help businesses find all the assistance they need.