Luka Mashudu Makhado and his team are clearing Gauteng of litter, one illegal dumping site at a time; his venture aims to better the country and its environment.
Pretoria West, South Africa (08 March 2022) – Luka Mashudu Makhado saw a great need for a dedicated team that could handle cleaning illegal dumping sites. Hence, he started the Soulbent Project to focus on recycling and garden services in communities plagued by litter.
The team is efficient and thorough, cleaning up dumping sites within one or two days. Once he saw how good the service could be, Luka started advertising it for hire.
He hopes that communities will come together to hire the team to tackle areas that seem overwhelmingly littered. This is perfect for areas where service delivery is non-existent, and the community wishes to take matters into their own hands.
He shared his latest farm project on the ARMOUR (Action for Responsible Management of Our Rivers) in the hopes of inspiring others to join his cause. ARMOUR is an award-winning NPO based in Gauteng, working to raise awareness about keeping South African rivers clean and clear of pollutants.
Luka has started a vegetable farm in Saulsville, Pretoria and has been looking for donations to get it up and running. He hopes that this will be another avenue for bettering the community as food waste can be converted into compost, and the vegetables can be sold at local prices to make food more affordable to the community.
You can find out more about Soulbent Projects via the Facebook page here.