The vegetable garden is currently yielding sufficient produce to feed over 1000 children, and teaching them how to grow their own food in the process!
SPAR goes beyond making a donation. This is demonstrated by Kevin Achary from the Sharpeville SPAR who has made it his mission to establish a relationship with the Tsoelopele Primary School. Last year the school received a vegetable garden, JoJo tanks, a new kitchen and bathroom from SPAR Distribution Centre (DC).
Ever since, Achary has frequently been visiting the school to see to it that the school is growing from strength to strength. Achary said it is important to teach children the importance of growing their own nutritious food.
“Food does not simply show up on the shelves of the local SPAR. Farmers put a lot of effort into growing fresh produce that everyone may enjoy. Therefore, it is important for young children to get involved in growing their own produce. This will ensure they eat food that is of nutritious value,” said Achary.
Together with SPAR Finance, DC Build It, Built It Sebokeng, JoJo Tanks, Stark Ayres and the Thuma Mina team, the Vuca Thuma Mina Project was officially handed over to the 1 000 pupils at the school during September 2018. Besides watering the vegetable garden, the Jojo tanks are also used to harvest rain water which is used throughout the facility.
Achary said it is important that new relationships are formed and maintained between SPAR and its local communities.
“This kind of donations are not a once-off event. It is important for us to see to it that the project is growing and establish a long-term relationship with the organization,” said Achary whom the children now refer to as SPAR when he visits the school.
Principal Edwana from the Tsoelopele Primary School said Archery has become a role model to the children.
“It is truly wonderful to see how the children have come to know and respect Kevin. He assists by keeping a watchful eye on them and make sure they are fed, do their homework and are safe. We are very grateful,” he said.
Principal Edwana also mentioned that there is no shortage of water at the school since there has been a lot of rain in the area and they can harvest the water with the Jojo tanks.
The vegetable garden is currently yielding sufficient produce to feed the children. Looking to the future, Archery will continue to support the school and once there is more than enough fresh produce, he will buy it from them and sell it at Sharpeville SPAR.