Wentworth Angels received a welcome donation in the form of toiletries, baby products and essential cleaning items to help them with their basic needs.
Wentworth Angels is a non-profit organisation that assists abused woman and children in Durban. They provide a safe haven for these families as they try to put back the pieces of their lives. Currently they receive no government funding, and the shelter has been kept open by generous sponsors, and its founder who has supported it through the profits she has made from her own catering business.
Clicks store staff and management visited Wentworth Angels in Durban and assisted them by provided home, toiletry and baby products.
“Seeing the huge need at Wentworth Angels is very humbling, but also rewarding,” says Donna Davids, CSI Co-ordinator at Clicks.
“We are happy to assist where we can and have enjoyed engaging with and helping the residents here.”
The home works as a transitional home to help women get back on their feet. You can find out more about the organisation here.
Clicks have made a big difference in the lives of the people who live at the home. As it is not government funded, every small bit helps and thier donation will get them a long way.