Cape Town residents have woken up to rainfall, it won’t revert the drought but they have rejoiced. This hopefully marks the start of much more to come.
Social media is filled with images and comments about the Cape Town rainfall they experienced early this morning. The residents of Cape Town have been pleading with mother nature to send rain and so she has.
While the rainfall won’t change the drought status, it will offer some relief to the vegetation of the province and possibly rinse away some of the dust that has built up.
We took a look through various social media platforms to find you some of the pictures and status’s being shared about the much needed weather change.
Users on Twitter have started the hashtag #capetownrain and are sharing their thoughts there,
. Please
And Never
#CapeTownRain” – @brydenmcghee1“I’d like to put a request in to mother nature… Please play us the song of uninterrupted showers for at leaste a week! Thanx. #capetownrain” – @MG_Trucker_Cpt
And of course Instagram is filled with beautifully artistic images of peoples outlook on the rainfall. Here are some of the really creative ways Capetonians are celebrating and capturing the rain.