“The Wild Hearts Wildlife Foundation” have been working tirelessly to help a chained up Chimp break free… and we finally have some good news!


The Wild Heart Wildlife Foundation (WHWF) is a Non-Profit Organization that is dedicated to raising awareness and much needed funds to directly impact Wild Animals of Africa that are being exploited by illegal trafficking, poaching, Canned Lion hunting, Trophy hunting and irresponsible, unethical over-hunting of all wildlife.

“Because so many animal species have been drastically reduced, we feel it is our duty as custodians over our wildlife to ensure they live on.”

WHWF recently answered the call for help from John Grobler, to come to the rescue of a little chimpanzee called Leila. Travelling in Angola, he came across this poor chimp, chained in Huambo, one of the bigger towns in the country.

The sheer sadness of the situation touched everyone’s hearts, and they decided that she absolutely needs to be rescued.

WHWF offered to fund the rescue mission, but due to limited information and communication opportunities, it became a challenging endeavour.

As they have all of the donation routes in place, including PayPal, it just made sense to use WHWF instead of International Money transfers which would sometimes cost three to five times the amount donated in bank fees.

“Our commitment to Transparency and Ethical Conservation sometimes creates its own challenges, as we are not in control of Leila’s situation in Angola right now, but still need to try our best.”

A week ago, Leila was still chained up, despite all of their best efforts; and as this is Africa, the situation could change for the worse at any moment, which is why timing of her rescue was so crucial.

The funds raised were quickly transferred into John Grobler’s personal account on the 7 May and just 3 days later CJ Carrington posted that Leila was finally going home!

“Permits have been sorted and her chains can be cut, forever. Thank you to everyone who has made this possible!”

An amazing end to what could have been a very sad story. If you would like to help us help animals like Leila, you can make a donation at: wildheartwildlifefoundation.org/index.php/how-can-you-help or paypal.me/wildheartwildlife

Sources: Wild Heart Wildlife Foundation
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About the Author

Brent Lindeque is the founder and editor in charge at Good Things Guy.

Recognised as one of the Mail and Guardian’s Top 200 Young South African’s as well as a Primedia LeadSA Hero, Brent is a change maker, thought leader, radio host, foodie, vlogger, writer and all round good guy.

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