
A bus company in the UK has piloted new buses with air filters that drive around the city, collecting polluted air and purifying it.


The Go-Ahead Group in the United Kingdom is working to make a cleaner environment with their new prototype bus that collects air pollutants and converts it to cleaner air. The first bus is already being used in the city and the stats are phenomenal.

The company is one of the largest bus and rail operators in England. The new “Bluestar” bus sucks up pollution as it travels creating cleaner air. It is fitted with an air filter that collects ultra-fine pollution particles and releases purified air out the front of the vehicle. The filter works with 99.5% efficiency.

Studies conducted by the filter’s manufacturer have confirmed that the bus will clean the air on its route in Southampton, UK, at a rate of 16 times per year, to a height of 10 meters.

“We want this pilot to show that buses should be looked at as not just the solution to congestion in cities, but also as a solution to the air quality problem,” said Go-Ahead’s Chief Executive, David Brown.

“As the bus removes the ultra-fine particles from the air as it travels along the route, it is helping solve the air quality problems of the city,” he added

Just like electric cars were launched and then filtered through the market of many different countries, so will this unique bus. Hopefully, someday soon, we can all breath a little easier too.

Sources: Good News Network
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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