If you’ve been on social media this past weekend, you would have seen the most insane rain videos from all over Cape Town.
The rain just keeps coming and while it is a blessing for the drought-stricken Western Cape, it is causing slight havoc on the roads and in informal settlements. Over the weekend we have seen overflowing storm drains and flooded streets but we have also seen overflowing waterfalls and cloudbursts in outlying areas.
It is so wonderful to see these images and videos of the rains pour down in areas where it is really needed.
We were recently sent a Facebook video that is going viral of a cloud bursting over a Dam and watching it made us feel so good! The video has been trending with some false information (we found out that it was in fact not shot in South Africa as it was being portrayed) but it is still so incredibly satisfying.
It was an epic bit of filming, a time lapse that caught the power of a rain cloud bursting. A cloud burst is a sudden and violent rainstorm capable of producing an extreme amount of precipitation in a short period of time.
Photographer Peter Maier captured this jaw-dropping timelapse of a cloudburst over Lake Millstatt in Carinthia, Austria.
Watch the original cloudburst video below: