Beloved elephant Khanyisa is set to star in a documentary about her life’s story—one that many South Africans have shed both tears of pain and joy over. This is “Diary of an Elephant Orphan”!
Undisclosed Location, South Africa (07 June 2024) — Many of us have followed along on elephant orphan, little Khanyisa’s journey from tragedy to happy chapters. As the ellie that stole a nation’s hearts, the resilient girl is the main character of a real-life, Disney-worthy tale that has seen us through a wave of emotions—from tears of anger to tears of joy. Her story has been told before in a children’s book, and now, it will be told again, this time as a documentary— ‘Diary of an Elephant Orphan’.
Filmed by Hermien Roelvert-Van Gils, a dear friend of the Hoedspruit Elephant Rehabilitation and Development (HERD) team—who nurtured Khanyisa and are her family— ‘Diary of an Elephant Orphan’ will screen at the Encounters Film Festival later this month.
There, we will watch her journey unfold from a four-month-old baby elephant caught in a snare trap, to one of South Africa’s most beloved ellies whose fighting spirit has inspired some, and woken others up to the dire need to push for our wildlife’s well-being.
Beyond Khanyisa, the other ellies will also get their time on the big screen, as well as the animal heroes whose endless passion for elephants has made happy endings like Khanyisa’s possible.
“We see Khanyisa at her best, and we cry with her caretakers at her worst. All of this effort is not in vain, as the ultimate goal—introducing Khanyisa to a new herd—is always on the horizon and something she craves,” shares ‘Diary of an Elephant Orphan’s’ synopsis.
“Thank you to Hermien for telling the story of Khanyisa and HERD in such a beautiful and powerful way. This is a mammoth opportunity to share the story and beauty of the herd with the world. And one we are so grateful for.”—HERD.
Watch: A Snippet of ‘Diary of an Elephant Orphan
You can grab tickets to the screening here!
Sources: HERD
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