The community of Jbay came together to help rescue a stranded dolphin found on the beach. The neighbourhood watch and NSRI worked together and saved it.
A person walking along the beach in Jbay spotted a stranded dolphin and called the Paradise Beach Neighborhood watch for help. The community quickly sprung into action and made a plan to get the dolphin back into the ocean safely.
“Jon Wiehan, who was chairman of the neighbourhood watch at the time, sent out a group message asking for assistance to help move the dolphin about 500m down the beach, to a launch site where the NSRI could collect the dolphin and ferry her back out to sea”
Hank Liebenberg and his wife responded to the message and went to the beach. Hank’s wife filmed the rescue.
“I was one of the residents that responded, and my wife did the filming, but we only had footage up until when the dolphin was collected by the NSRI, but after we posted the footage on our page “Jbay tv,” we were contacted by the guys from the NSRI who said they have more footage that they got the rescue” – Hank Liebenberg
Rieghard Janse Van Rensburg, the NSRI station commander in Jbay provided Hank with the footage. Using the footage his wife filmed and the NSRI footage put together a short clip of the rescue. The rescue took place in late 2016 but Hank felt that the story was uplifting and should be shared and we fully agree.
You can watch the moving moment below.