Rubbish has a way of building up and appearing when it rains, rivers carry waste from inland towards the ocean so these Durban organisations work to stop it!
Durban, South Africa – It is always a big shock when the first rains carry all the rubbish that has been collecting inland.
Hanno Langenhoven works at Wildlands, a trust that develops and nurtures “waste-preneurs, tree-preneurs and food-preneurs”. These people collect recycling, grow trees and organic food, and then barter what they have grown and collected for food, clothes, education support, building material, water tanks, solar water heaters, solar-powered lighting and bicycles.
The organisation is all for building a sustainable future but by starting at a grassroots level.
Hanno Langenhoven shared photos of a group of organisations working to tidy up after the first big rains. The teams were out cleaning the north and south banks of the Umgeni, a river that often overflows with rubbish, pushing it all out towards the ocean.
Thankfully, there are organisations that dedicate their time to cleaning up and making sure that the rubbish that does flow down the rivers, stops before getting to the beach. This cleanup included Wildlands, The Litterboom Project and Save Our Rivers ZA.
Since that cleanup, the Green Corridor has set up another one at the Beachwood Mangroves Nature Reserve for this weekend. You can find all the info here.