Restoration Fynbos
Photo Credit: Laker via Pexels

Wild Restoration was recently awarded funding by the European Outdoor Conservation Association to further its efforts in restoring the Greyton area back to the indigenous biome it should be.


Greyton, South Africa (06 December 2023) – In early November, Wild Restoration, a non-profit focused on alien clearing, rewilding and biodiversity restoration, was selected by the European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA) for project funding.

The EOCA is a charity based in Europe that helps an entire industry with the opportunity to work together, making a difference in threatened wild places, species and habitats, multiplying the effect and positive impact on nature. Funded projects tackle the loss of biodiversity and mitigate against climate change, whilst also having a link to the outdoor enthusiast, being beneficial to local communities and leaving a lasting, positive legacy.

Wild Restoration works in Greyton, an area in the Western Cape that is known as the Overberg. It is a rich and diverse landscape. The team works to clear alien vegetation, rewild spaces, restore biodiversity and create a space that encourages the love for the outdoors.

Wild Restoration has two projects currently running; one focusing on the mountain and one on the sandpit.

The mountain project is seeing the removal of 100,000 Pine trees to make way for the indigenous Fynbos that should be growing there.

“Wild Restoration has segmented the areas into high, medium and low density. Working with a group of volunteers, partner organisations and our own crew, we have already made significant progress on clearing these pines. Additional volunteers are invited to help cut down the established pines as well as pull out saplings.”

In the sandpit project, they are restoring the area which is home to endangered species that are overgrown by invasive plants.

“Over recent years, large sections have been taken over by black wattle, port jackson, long-leafed wattle and pines. Initial clearing work in the less densely invaded areas has shown that the indigenous vegetation can start to restore spontaneously. Working closely with Greyton Conservation Society, Wild Restoration works with an experienced local team who are clearing prioritised areas of the Sandpit.”

These vital projects are changing the Greyton area for the better, however, the operations cost a great deal to run. While volunteers are always at hand to help, specialised equipment and other costs need to be covered. The Wild Restoration team applied for funding through the EOCA and after several rounds of voting, were named winners in the Wild Places category.

The funding will go a long way to helping restore this biome. If you would like to find out more or get involved, you can reach out via the website here.

Sources: EOCA
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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