There are a few groups working to support seals in South Africa; these are the seal heroes to celebrate on International Seal Day.
South Africa (22 March 2024) – The 22nd of March is International Seal Day and as South Africa is home to many seal species, we thought we would celebrate the organisations protecting them.
There are hundreds of large seal colonies along South Africa’s coastline where seals live permanently. However, seals from around the world also visit our shores as they move through the ocean currents. The most prominent species is the Cape Fur Seal; this species is the only seal species that is truly native to the South African mainland, according to the Two Oceans Aquarium.
It is estimated that approximately two million Cape fur seals inhabit the coasts of Southern Africa, mostly living in 25-40 colonies on rocky coastlines and islands. They are very curious creatures and will often explore and inspect things they see in the ocean. This trait leads them to get themselves entangled in plastic and fishing waste, or hurt in some other manner.
There are a few organisations that are working to help seals caught in waste in the ocean and help them recover from other illnesses.
These are some of the organisations supporting seals in South Africa:
Coastal SPCAs
SPCA branches located along coastal towns will often step in to assist with any seal-related issues and from there, connect with marine-specific organisations to deal with the rescue and rehabilitation of injured animals.
You can find a list of SPCA branches here.
Hout Bay Seal Rescue and Rehabilitation
The Hout Bay Seal Rescue and Rehabilitation (HBSRC) centre is dedicated to the plight of the seal. The volunteer team take in seals 24/7. They treat sick seals and take in any found on the brink of death. The centre takes in infant and young seals while older seals are treated in the harbour, where they often spend days sunbathing.
You can find out more about the centre on the: Website / Facebook
The Two Oceans Aquarium Foundation
Through the Two Oceans Aquarium Foundation’s Marine Wildlife Management Programme located at the V&A Waterfront, the team work to treat seals that end up inside the marina. From disentanglements to treating sickly seals, the team monitor the areas commonly populated by the seals.
You can find out more about the foundation on the: Website / Facebook