Rhino safe-havens

Rhino safe-havens can be much safer now thanks to a new innovation in technology. Dimension Data and Cisco have joined forces to protect the rhino’s!


Dimension Data and Cisco have sent the innovative technology to an unnamed private game reserve near the world famous Kruger National Park. The game reserve is situated in a very remote location so the communication among park rangers and the control office is limited due to the lack of basic technology infrastructure.

This proactive approach intercepts poachers before they harm the animal by focusing on tracking people and leaving the rhino to roam freely

The new technology focuses more on human activity, meaning that darting and chipping Rhino’s, which is usually a very stressful intervention, can be avoided. The methods of tranqualizing Rhino to insert sensors into their horns or insert a chip under their skin can sometimes even be dangerous for the animal.

The Connected Conservation technology is completely non-invasive instead it aims to proactively track people and stop people from entering the reserve illegally.

Using Dimension Data’s solutions, game rangers can use data analytics to monitor the entry and exit of people visiting the game reserve and turn the data into actionable information.

“With this project, we’re starting a groundswell of real change in conservation, demonstrating the capacity to protect not only the rhino but also other endangered animals, in more geographies,” said Bruce Watson, Group Executive, Cisco Alliance: Dimension Data.

The technology includes a massive list of benefits such as: secure park area network, data collection and analysis via CCTV/biometric scanning, Wi-Fi and local area networks at each entrance, sensors on the reserve periphery and for tracking vehicles entering and exiting the reserve and thermal imaging along the park perimeter.

The tech also sends threat alerts to help proactive decision making and has an automatic backup and continuous system availability. Helicopters are available to ensure prompt response to identified threats.

Over time, the technology will be replicated in other reserves in South Africa, Africa, and globally. This intends to not only protect rhinos, but conserve other endangered species including elephants, lions, pangolin, tigers in India and Asia, and even sea rays in the ocean.

Watch the video below:

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Sources: Business Tech

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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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