Latest Sightings shared a brilliant video of a Leopard in the middle of grooming, being caught by surprise by a passing hyena.
Greater Kruger, South Africa (01 September 2020) – The time-old tale of cats and dogs is played out well in movies and cartoons however more often than not, dogs and cats raised together are cute friends. Not in my home though, there is a bully cat and a scaredy-cat dog constantly butting heads for love and affection.
With that in mind, the following sighting from reminds me of many interactions in the house. Only in this case, curiosity would probably kill the hyena!
It’s not often that a leopard gets caught by surprise because it’s usually the leopard catching its prey by surprise. In this sighting, a sneaky hyena tried its luck and almost scared a leopard out of its wits!
33-year-old field guide, Jason Joubert told about this comical sighting.
“My guests and I left for a morning game drive in the Western Sabi Sands on Christmas morning in 2017. We were not even 100m from the lodge when we came across a male leopard sleeping in a miter drain. I stopped at the sighting stopped and we sat and watched for about 5 minutes while the guests had their cameras out to capture the sighting for their own souvenirs.”
“As we watched the leopard wake up and groom, we noticed a male hyena walking down the road in our direction. (I assume he was following the leopards’ scent). We watched and waited as the hyena carefully approached the leopard, taking a step closer and closer each time and the leopard seemingly oblivious of its sniffing visitor while it groomed its paws. We definitely did not expect the hyena to walk straight up to the leopard and we thought that the leopard would have sensed the hyena right away, but this was not the case.”
“The leopard slowly got up, almost still in a sleepy daze, and realized with a jolt that the hyena was now almost face to face! It jolted up in defence and jumped back, snarling and growling, warning the hyena to keep a distance.”
“This was a comical scene, everyone on the vehicle had a good chuckle. After a few seconds, the hyena carried on walking off as there was no reason for him to hang around any longer, there was no potential meal to scavenge for, and so the leopard went back to grooming.”
“We are lucky enough to witness hyena and leopard interaction quite often, but never quite like this! Once you get to a sighting and you do start filming, make sure to film longer!”
Take a look at the sighting below.