One year ago we witnessed a lion waking up a lioness and getting whacked; now we know how not to wake up a leopardess too!
Greater Kruger, South Africa (18 February 2020) – During January 2019, animal lovers across the world laughed out loud when a video of a lion waking up a lioness went viral. The video was filmed in Kenya, but it went viral in South Africa too!
The video (which you can see here) came with a vital life lesson; the lesson was: next time you see your lady sleeping peacefully, don’t sneak up on her and bite her! Apparently this male leopard didn’t get the memo and also made the error of waking up a sleeping leopardess.
Sightings – Kruger were sent the video of a leopard sneaking up on a sleeping leopardess. Pieter van Wyk, a 34-year-old game ranger in Mala Mala Game Reserve said he and his guest were very excited to witness the spectacular sighting of a leopard stalking and the eventual attack.
Pieter shared the details of the sighting with Latest Sightings Kruger.
“We had just left camp on our afternoon safari. We’d viewed a lioness with four cubs close to our camp before moving off to follow up on a female leopard that had been found with a kill in the morning. When we approached the area of the female, we saw a male leopard walking towards the female! After a while, he had finally spotted the female…’
‘Initially, we felt a collective feeling of excitement, seeing two adult leopards in the same sighting. Then it got rather humorous’
‘The female had been watching the male and then decided to take a nap. He then started stalking towards her as if she had not seen him, inching closer, and closer… The suspense grew as he got nearer to her, and she was seemingly unaware”
As witnessed in the video, the leopardess got quite a fright upon her rude awakening. Pieter went on to tell how ‘after being chased up the tree, the female watched the male move towards her kill. She eventually descended from the tree and moved off. It later became clear that there wasn’t much left of the kill, certainly not enough worth defending or hanging around over’
For closing comments, he wanted to say that we must ‘appreciate the leopard for what it is. A finely tuned predator’. And after seeing the contents in the video, it is clear that that statement is not something that can be debated!
Take a look at the rude awakening below, and don’t forget, do not wake your partner up abruptly or you too could be on the receiving end of a roar.