
Roger Purchase and Les Davis were riding in the Bavaiaanskloof Game Reserve in South Africa when they encountered a rather bad tempered Buffalo Bull.


Roger Purchase and Les Davis are adventure riders, they were on a ride atop a mountain on a dusty road when they encountered a lone buffalo bull. They followed behind it cautiously and slow keeping a safe distance between them.

In the video you can see the buffalo disappear over the horizon apparently heading up when all of a sudden it turns and charges past the gentlemen. You can see one of them dismount his bike and clear out the way while the other dives into the nearby bushes bike and all!

Bulls like this are usually called ‘Dagga Bulls’ or ‘Dugga Boys’, this means the bull has been pushed out of his herd and is left to roam alone.

“These males have adopted the nickname of ‘dagga boys’, which mainly refers to the thick black clay that coats their skin; ‘dagga’ being another word for mud.”

“These daggaboys have often been kicked out of the herd or fallen behind, due to age or physical condition. They tend to move from one wallow to the next, preferring these swampy areas as they not only guarantee fresh, soft grass for their worn teeth to feed on, but also a constant supply of oozy slush in which they can loll. It is believed the reason for the love of these mud baths is that the sludgy silt actually acts as a barrier between the sun’s harsh rays and the older buffaloes’ hairless rumps.”

The video is currently number 2 on the South African YouTube trending list. Watch the scary but fascinating video below!

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Sources: YouTube / African Geographic

About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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