Kudu rescue

The team from Wild Wonderful World were on their way out of the Central Kalahari when they spotted a distressed Kudu on the roadside. The moment was captured on video and the man has become a hero!


The Kudu is a massive animal especially in Southern Africa where the larger of the species lives. The mammal is considered fearless and could easily harm a human as they are known to be able to break a wild dogs neck and back with one kick should they be attacked.

The males of the species lead mostly solitary lives until mating season. It has been observed that if a Kudu is wounded by a lion or leopard, the male will turn and charge the attacker whereas the female has the ability to run kilometres away before resting.

Kudus are powerful and can clear a 1.5-meter fence from a standing start. That is why it was puzzling to find one entangled in the fence.

“After leaving the Central Kalahari Game Reserve, we came across a young male Kudu caught in a fence. With such little vehicle movement in the area, we didn’t want to risk the animal not getting found by park rangers, so we did what we could to try to save him, untangling him and helping him to his feet.”

The rescue mission involved carefully cutting the wire entangle around the hooves of the mammal. Then multiple attempts to get the Kudu back on his legs before he was able to move and head off to safety.

You can follow Wild Wonderful World on their journey here. We think it was incredibly lucky that these conservationists found the Kudu and saved its life, thus living up to the goal of their journey.

Sources: YouTube / Wikipedia
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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