The Netherlands has broken a world record as the first country ever to have ZERO stray dogs!
Netherlands (14 November 2020) – The World Health Organisation estimates there are around 200 million stray dogs worldwide. However, the Netherlands is not contributing to this statistic as it has become the first country in the world without any stray dogs!
It sounds unbelievable but it’s true! The Netherlands has managed to completely eradicate stray dogs… and the amazing news is they did it without euthanasia.
But how did the Netherlands manage to get this right?
There were many different contributing factors but the country allows its residents to spay and neuter their dogs for free! The country’s “adopt, don’t shop” mentality is further supported with very high taxes on bought puppies which pushes people to adopt from one of 200 dog shelters.
Their Animal Control works like a charm. Anyone who spots a stray dog can call them and they will rescue the animal and take care of it until it’s adopted. Animal abusers and everyone who engages in cruelty are given serious penalties and can end up in prison.
Combine all this and you get a pretty straightforward recipe for having a country free of stray dogs.
Watch the video explaining how they did it below: