The public of Plettenberg Bay has been put on alert as the ocean has some shark activity due to a whale carcass that is in the area.
Plettenberg Bay, South Africa (08 September 2022) – The NSRI and Bitou Municipality have issued a warning to residents of Plettenberg Bay to be aware of sharks within the bay area. This is due to a Humpback whale carcass that is afloat out at sea.
It is unclear how the whale passed, but it is causing shark activity. Another thing the teams are monitoring is that the carcass is floating towards the coastline and will most likely wash ashore in the coming days. They are already investigating carcass removal options.
“[We] are appealing to the public to exercise caution along the Plettenberg Bay and Southern Cape coastline following increased shark activity feeding on a whale carcass washing ashore.
The carcass of a Humpback whale has been spotted in the vicinity between Natures Valley and Keurbooms Beach, with a visible shark presence feeding on the carcass.
We are appealing to the public, bathers, paddlers and boaters to be cautious due to the increased shark presence.
The whale carcass is gradually drifting closer to shore and is expected to beach and this is being monitored.
Considerations to remove the carcass are being investigated.”
As beachgoers will start to visit more often, we will try and keep everyone updated with any essential warnings issued by the NSRI over the coming months.