Photo Cred: Campbell Jones

Campbell Jones was cycling in Rottnest Australia when he captured a very excited Quokka on his GoPro. He shared the cute images on his Instagram


Australia (01 March 2017) – Campbell and his girlfriend were cycling through Rottnest Australia when they spotted the little Quokka. Campbell stopped to take a picture of the cute little mammal using his GoPro.

“As I walked back to my bike, the quokka chased after me, I put down the GoPro and it jumped at me as if to say come ‘come back’.”

The two proceeded to interact for some time. The internet is freaking out at the amount of cuteness these pictures have captured. This isn’t the first time a cute Quokka image has been captured. Quokka selfies are quite common in Australia and the mammal is notorious for having a great smile and being up for a selfie.

The Quokka is listed as vulnerable on the IUCN red list due to habitat loss and predators. The population on Rottnest Island is between 4,000-8,000. The Island was named after the mammal in 1696.

“An early Dutch visitor to the island, Willem de Vlamingh, mistook the marsupials for large rats when he arrived in 1696. He named the island “Rattennest” (Dutch for “Rat’s Nest”), which was later adapted to Rottnest.”

Hopefully, these images bring some attention to the mammal and its current situation.

Aye mate. #quokka #rottnest #seeaustralia #gopro #exploreperth #wa #perthfect #perthisok #perth #happyquokkamonday

A post shared by Campbell Jones (@cambojones2020) on

Sources: Campbell Jones |  Instagram / The West / Animal Facts Guide
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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