No hurdles to big for these little turtles, who after being swept into Cape Town icy waters have been sent to rehabilitation before their release.
48 hatchling and four post hatchling loggerhead turtles plus one juvenile green turtle were admitted to the uShaka Sea World Rehabilitation Centre on November 3.
On the 20th September 2012 uShaka Sea World proudly opened a custom made – outdoor rehabilitation centre specially designed to house young turtles recovering from their trauma at sea. The Rehabilitation Centre has its own laboratory which ensures the turtles do not have far to go during weight assessments, minor medical observations or treatments.
Visitors are able to view the young turtles throughout the day, and at specified times watch them being fed and cared for by the staff members on duty.
These young turtles were flown up from Cape Town where they had spent just over six months recovering at the Two Oceans Aquarium after their unfortunate ordeal at sea in the wrong current, and were unable to survive the icy Cape temperatures.
For the first few years of their life young turtles survive by floating in the open ocean at water temperatures around 22°C and they therefore could not have been released in the Cape waters.
It is anticipated that they will spend only a few weeks in the care of uShaka Sea World staff before being taken out west of the Agulhas current and released.
Whilst they are in the rehabilitation facility they will be fed, monitored and given a final examination by resident veterinarian, Dr Francois Lampin before being released.