Vaal Dam levels are rising rapidly due to all the rain, and this is great news for Gauteng residents as the water is much-needed!
Gauteng, South Africa (03 February 2021) – Gauteng is blessed with summer rains, but the last few seasons, it has rained far less than it should.
In October we reported on the Vaal dam levels, and they were sitting at a shocking 29.6%. Photos of Denysville looking like a drydock had gone viral, and it brought home just how close the province was to further water restrictions.
Currently, Gauteng is under level 1 water restrictions, which means the following:
- Watering of gardens is only allowed between 18:00-06:00 (1 September and 31 March), and between 16:00-08:00 (1 April and 31 August).
- All consumers are prohibited from using a hose-pipe to clean paved areas, roofs and driveways with municipal water.
- Sports fields are only allowed to be watered for two hours per day, twice per week. This includes the watering of cricket pitches, golf course greens and bowling greens.
South Africa is a water-scarce country, so no matter how much it rains, we should always be saving water where possible!
Thankfully the Vaal Dam has risen from a scary 29.6% in October 2020 to 82.4% in February 2021. As the weather forecast looks at present, we can expect the water levels to rise even further.
🔴 BREAKING: VAAL DAM TOPS 80% and is sitting at 82.4% FULL on Wednesday morning!!! Huge volumes coming in now, so levels should rise substantially in coming days!
⚠️ 🇿🇦 is a water-scarce country, ALWAYS SAVE 💧
— Gauteng Weather (@tWeatherSA) February 3, 2021