Banjo the tiny Chacma Baboon was rescued after losing his mother a couple of days before. Thanks to the Owl Rescue Centre, he’s got a chance at a happy life!
South Africa (30 May, 2023) — After his mother was killed, a tiny Chacma Baboon in the farmlands of South Africa faced big and lonely circumstances.
However, stepping in to give the little guy a chance, the Owl Rescue Centre managed to rescue and recover him swiftly, along with two other rescues including an owl and a little serval.
His rescue mission took place on Monday, and since then, he’s already stolen thousands of hearts across South Africa.
Watch: Banjo the Tiny Baboon Snacks and Cuddles After His Rescue
Speaking to the Owl Rescue Centre, Good Things Guy was told that Banjo is in caring hands and will be released when he’s older.
About the Owl Rescue Centre
The Owl Rescue Centre is a non-profit that extends its animal rescue and care missions beyond our feathered friends.
Established after realising the rapid decline in owls in SA, Brendan and Danelle Murray set to channel their focus to conserving owls of all shapes and sizes.
However, their work has extended across species—from bees to humans (and even romantic peacocks), often using means that make a difference for the animals and the environment.
You can support Banjo and his friends here, and keep up with the Owl Rescue via their social media.