Devils Peak

Gayle Friedman was on Devils Peak when she heard the tranquil sound of water flowing over rocks and pebbles, the sound is enough to make anyone feel calm.


If you are sitting at your desk and suffering through the post-lunch slump this probably isn’t the sound you want to hear right now, it may just lull you off to sleep at your desk.

Gayle Friedman was walking along when she heard the sound of the flowing water. She decided to film it and share the beautiful moment with her fellow Facebook users. She posted it to the group ‘Water Shedding Western Cape’. Quoting the find as a blessing.

Some of the users on the Water Shedding Western Cape group are on our wave length, the sound is beautiful and we are so happy to have had a chance to hear it.

“Still beautiful and refreshing to the soul.” – Dhuraiyah Abdullatief 

“Thank you. Love the sound of running water.” – Marie Morse 

“What a wonderful sound!!” – David Haddad 

“Beautiful music…sound of nature’s abundance and love…” – Zanna Schilbach

According to Science the sounds of nature are deep rooted into our brains to physically alter the connections in our brains, reducing our body’s natural fight-or-flight instinct. These sounds are most beneficial to people with excessively high stress levels. YouTube has thousands of nature sound videos to choose from, like thunder storms and rain to crashing waves and more.

Watch the calming video below, and we take no responsibility if you get caught napping to this awesome sound!

Blessings.Hear the sound of water flowing down from the mountain in Devils Peak.

Posted by Gayle Friedman on Saturday, 2 September 2017

Sources: Facebook
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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