Every good show has a memorable theme song and at the rate of chaos in our real lives, we deserve a theme song too; we found the perfect one!
Global (29 July 2020) – The state of the world is stranger than fiction at the moment. If you are looking for a good fictional series recommendation, Years and Years is great and eerily accurate to life at the moment. Series aside, let’s talk theme songs.
Every memorable series has an equally memorable theme song. When you think of Friends, Family Guy or Game of Thrones, you can easily recall the tunes. Life is so bizarre at the moment it could easily be turned into a scary movie with the right writer.
Roll on our new life theme song for 2020 courtesy of Steve Plarre who turned Julie Andrew’s “Supercalafragilisticexpialidocious” into “Super-fragile-isolated-I’m-in-a-psychosis”.
The song is hilarious and so flipping accurate to life right now. Take a read of the lyrics and watch the video below for a good laugh.
Super fragile, isolated, I’m in a psychosis
The Government they locked us down
And now I feel atrocious
Working home and trying to teach the kids
It leaves me nauseous
Super fragile, unrealistic
And a little torturous
Drunk just a little and I won’t tell a lie,
Drunk just a little and I won’t tell a lie,
Drunk just a little and I won’t tell a lie,
Drunk just a little and I won’t
I couldn’t go to work for weeks
And that was really bad
I had to stay at home and teach
And be a full-time dad
And on that day I learned a fact
A fact I’d been ignoring
My wife she works her bum off
And the kids are so exhausting!
Super fragile, isolated, I’m in a psychosis
The Government they locked us down
And now I’m rather toasted
Now that the restrictions are reducing
I can shout
Super frickin’ fragalistic, now I can go out!
Hey, hey
Goodbye, everybody
Have a wonderful day!
@stevierayplarreMy Mary Poppins lockdown parody. ##melbournelockdown ##bakingyouhappy ##marypoppins ##fergusonplarre ##lockdown ##julieandrews♬ Tency Music and lyrics by Steve Plarre – stevierayplarre