Photo Credit: Supplied

A first for OPTOG! and the Atterbury Theatre: Seats filled with artwork.


Pretoria, South Africa (12 August 2021) – The seats of a theatre filled with art – this is the sight that awaits you at Atterbury Theatre for the next three weeks! A first for the theatre and perhaps even a first in the world.

A theatre needs colour, texture, emotions and lights. All of that is now an arm’s length away in a different medium.

OPTOG! and Atterbury Theatre invited the whole of South Africa to enter the first OPTOG! National Art Competition. The response exceeded its wildest dreams. It received art from all over the country – Upington, Middelburg, Parys, Cape Town, and more.

The judges, Lize Beekman, Anna Davel, Jak de Priester and Lily Brannon, now have the difficult task of judging the art to select the winners in each category.

The 467 entries are now displayed in the Atterbury Theatre. The theatre’s 400 seats have been converted into an art gallery that is open for the public to view. The art is also for sale to support the artists and the theatre.

It invited the whole of South Africa to enter the art competition, and now it’s inviting everyone to view the art.

All its loyal supporters who live far away can visit their online gallery, where you can also vote for your favourite artist.

The stage may be quiet for now, but by supporting a different form of art, we can breathe life back into the theatre.

Sources: Supplied
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