‘Pro cuddling’ (professional cuddling) has become the career many didn’t know they wanted and the one many needed. P.S.: remember to give your loved ones a free hug today!
South Africa (5 April, 2023) — Professional cuddling may not be the career many thought they’d get into when making their five-year plans. But, in recent times, more and more around the world are signing up to be snuggle pros, making the world a little less stressed one person at a time.
From Indonesia to London, the world is embracing a different kind of therapy post-pandemic, and if you’re a hugger, you might be in for a new career path.
Recently, South Africa also joined the cuddle buddies industry and it wasn’t long until an Indeed job listing for professional cuddlers had people joking that hugs would save the unemployment rate in South Africa.
Still, it seems to be saving something else—the mental health of many locals.
That was the idea when Florence Letswalo started Pro Cuddlers in 2022. After being inspired by a bad day and receiving a cuddle from her partner, a light bulb went off.
In speaking with The Citizen, she shared:
“I realised that a lot of people don’t have that in their lives, whether they are in a relationship or not, nobody is devoid of potentially feeling lonely or just in need of a non-judgmental cuddle.”
Research shows that the right kind of touch inhibits stress hormones, with cuddling being a huge dose of dopamine.
And yes, it really is all about the cuddles. Letswalo is serious about no-nonsense behaviour and both cuddlers and cudlees being vetted beforehand.
Now, for the people who don’t have loved ones to share a cuddle with, opting for the service can feel similar to signing up for other forms of therapy, or even a massage.
But, we also think the pro cuddlers craze is an important reminder!
Hugs don’t take a lot of work, but they can pack a powerful mental health punch (in a good way). You may not need to embrace every stranger you come across (unless they’re cool with it of course) but when it comes to the people you’re close to, a little hug can go a long way.
So, the next time you see something about pro cuddlers, let it be a sign to give someone you think needs it an extra squeeze.