hiding dog

Tasha the pointy-eared dog recently went viral for hiding from her dad but she wasn’t that great at hiding her ears which has the internet in stitches of laughter.


Kelly Davenport Jackson from Rossford, Ohio in the USA and her husband were going about their day as usual. They had let their dog outside to go to the loo and have a sniff around before calling her to return to the house.

From the kitchen, the pair could see her having a good time in the yard. Kelly’s husband opened their sliding door and called for Tasha to come inside. Tasha was having none of it!

The sneaky pooch ran and hid away hoping that if she couldn’t be seen, they would forget about her and she could have fun outside. To be honest, Tasha had a pretty sound plan but the poor pooch just couldn’t get the hiding part right.

Kelly started filming what they were seeing and it has gone viral with over 40 million views.

Tasha was hiding pretty well behind a pot plant. As soon as her dad called, she ducked down low and out of sight. When the sliding door closed again, she popped her head up slightly and those pointy little ears betrayed her location.

The family went through the process of watching Tasha’s little ears pop up behind the flower pot. They couldn’t contain their laughter in the end.

Watch the comical video below. What is the funniest thing your pet has done to avoid going inside, or outside?

Sources: Facebook
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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