80 year old Julia Albu set off on an epic road trip across Africa in her Toyota Conquest in June. She has been living it up while raising literacy awareness.
Julia Albu is a Western Cape resident, driving her 1997 Toyota Conquest across the continent on a solo road trip to raise awareness for literacy.
Her Toyota Conquest has been nicknamed ‘Tracy’. It has traveled over 400,000km in the last 20 years. Julia believes her car is more than capable of handling the trek across Africa.
On the 3rd of September she posted that ‘Tracy’ was not doing too well, but she has managed to make it to Uganda.
“What an absolutely incredibly beautiful country this is, the air is cleaner, the trees are bigger the rain more abundant the smells are stronger, the people less commercialized or spoilt by tourists and every piece of land is planted with an edible plant. I have only been met by smiling kindness”
She has also been to see the Giraffe in Dar es Salaam and seen the beautiful Kilimanjaro. Julia has been drinking from coconuts on the beach in Mombassa and visited multiple animal sanctuaries across the continent, promoting conservation along the way.
Julia proves that you can have an adventure of a life time at any age! Here are some of the pictures from her trip so far. You can follow her adventure on her Facebook page.