Generic Millennial advert

Dissolve is a company that has a huge collection of stock videos used for ads. They made a generic millennial advert using their stock and it is hilarious.


Global (31 August 2017) – Dissolve is a popular stock resource used by creators and advertisers all over the world. They hope to enhance creative work with exceptional footage and photography. Basically, they licence video clips for use in commercials, television shows, documentaries, and feature films.

They curate their selection using only the best footage from contributors around the world. Recently they created a generic millennial advert using stock footage from their website.

The hilarious video even contains stock clips filmed in Cape Town. In the ‘ad’ they try to understand emoji’s, slang and colourful hair. They even take a funny swipe at the advertisers who market to the generation in their description section of the video.

This Is a Generic Millennial Ad it shows how easy it is to appeal to anyone born between 1980 and 2000. The good news? Thanks to social media, it’s easy to connect with this influential audience. The bad news? They hate spending money on things. (Except for maybe avocados.)

If you are reading this and thinking “Why do people keep attacking Millennials?” this video is “totes” not a dig at the millennials and is actually a big swipe at the advertising industry and the way they are desperately trying to connect with Gen Y. Let us not forget the epic Pepsi/Kendall fail #desperate!

Whatever the motivation behind the video, it’s a goodie so give it a watch below.

Sources: Vimeo
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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