Social media has been hit with a wave of ‘Laugh you Lose’ videos lately. From dad jokes to old school pot smoking comedians and now South Africa has one too.
Facebook has been filled with the new video’s featuring two people going head to head in a joke-off. The jokes are sometimes lame and sometimes really racy. Mostly the are dad jokes.
Inspired by this new trend the SA guys decided to create an Oupa Jokes version. The concept is that the guys are able to have their material to read as they go and at any point they can tap out and their team mate jumps in to take over the joke-off with their own material.
The video was posted and ‘Dev dondidit’ left the below information as a type of disclaimer for the people watching the video.
“This past week I teamed up with fellow Cape Town based content creators to bring you a new series called Oupa Jokes where we tell jokes hoping our opponents laughs! Laugh, you lose! That is the point of the game!”
“Now, some of these jokes pushes the line but its all in the name of fun! Nobody in the episode condones racism, violence and vulgarity!”
“This is a spin off of the american version but with stereotyping stigma attached jokes making it South African! Like the video says, “If we can laugh with each other, we can live with each other”
If you found this offensive, please contact your belt buckle and loosen up!”
Watch the video below.