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Juliet Searle shared some of her thoughts about the latest season of Love Island, which was filmed in Camps Bay, South Africa, and you will laugh out loud!


Cape Town, South Africa (21 February 2020) – Juliet Searle has watched an episode or two of the latest season of Love Island. The show is a dating experiment which sees people looking for love and was recently filmed in Cape Town. The show is highly popular in the United Kingdom where all the contestants are from.

For this season the show wanted to take the cast to a warm destination so obviously, South Africa was a perfect choice!

Whether you watch the show or not, you can enjoy Juliet’s views on how it is run. Try not to laugh out loud and don’t forget to read the hashtags!

“I have watched a bit of #loveisland in South Africa. I have my own opinion on the show🙈🙉🙊 but I won’t go into that here. However, there have been some amusing moments, only South Africans would understand.

1) How do they forget the heat of astro grass under the raging SA sun? Some of them have learned the necessity of flipflops early on, some continue to dance across the fake grass like cats on a hot tin roof. #cheatthefootheat #weallknowtheimpactofahotplasticseat #avoidtheblisterkoeksister

2) How do they survive dating scenes in full sun, without sunnies? I mean I can feel the sweat dripping down my back and down my bottom from here. Never mind the awful squinting face one has to do to actually see in full South African sun. #greeneyessquintinvolsonskyn

3) There is no way that boerewors (“longest sausage I have ever seen”) survived being placed on full flames over the fire. #noonelikescharredboerie. I laughed like mad when they were pretending the smoke from the fire (on the windiest night ever) was romantic. I was half expecting them to try the fingers in a circle trick.👌#weallknowthechokingcoughfromfiresmoke

4) Why don’t they get rusks for breakfast? #jissieeksmaakrusks

5) Where are the bottles of peaceful sleep? I know what that bedroom actually smells like and the smell of a peaceful sleep sprayed body is a wonderful contraceptive. Clearly not in there! #tabbardisabodycondom

6) They should be rewarded with a few lime milkshakes, cream soda floats and packets of niknaks/flings. #canyoutellwhatimissmost #howmanyflingscanyoufitinyourmouth

7) A hadeda/vuvuzela wake up call every morning would be most entertaining. They then could do some P.T with one of those strict Army Ooms from the veldschools. Put those preened, gym bodies to the test. “Gee vir my 100 opstoots!” It would much more entertaining than those layabout “influencers” lolling on day beds, fighting the South Easter whilst asking for the 75th time, “So what is your type?”. #avuvuzelawakeupcallwouldbeappropriate

8) Where are the pool noodles and kreepy crawly? Is there actually a SA pool that does not have a few bobbing about? #weonlyswimwhendadtakesthecreepyout

9) I can’t believe that they don’t swim more. They must be vrekking in that heat. A random sprinkler firing at them from the garden beds would be huge entertainment and actually quite real. #40degreesintheshadeandthereisnoshade

10) Can’t they give them a few skriks with some spinnekoppe, parktown prawn and snakes? This lot scream and jump at the sight of a cricket. #givethemafewparktownprawns #skriksforalaugh

11) If a saffa woman was asked “Can I pull you?” the man would probably get a vetklap. #dontchoonme #nawtmybru

12)Facepalm: “Is that a goat?” whilst admiring our National animal on a safari drive. #ermitsaspringbok
“Don’t be ridiculous a rhino is not actually called a rhinoceros, it isn’t a dinosaur!” More facepalm.”

Which point is your favourite point? And are you watching the show? What are your thoughts?

Sources: Facebook
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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