A daughter was left speechless after noticing a VERY RUDE pattern on her mother’s new cushions – can you spot it?
It seems that Penis pillows are a thing, a real thing, with a thing on them.
A Reddit user posted the hilarious photo online after noticing her mom’s saucy new cushion covers. She took the pictures of her mother’s lovely new blue and white floral cushions before noticing a rather phallic like image – cleverly disguised as a twee rose print.
“I couldn’t figure it out for the longest time. Then, I realized I’d been staring at a bunch of d*cks for the past 5 minutes.”
Have a look at the design for yourself. It might take a minute or two but once you see it, you will never be able to un-see it again:
And it seems that the penis pillows are an actual thing!
They can be bought from LookHuman.com which retails the “floral penis pattern blue throw pillow” starting at $23.99 (R330.00) for the smallest one without an insert.
“Looking for a new French toile pattern blanket for your couch?” the tongue-in-cheek product description reads.
“Something that is nice flowery and with mildly offensive genitalia to your mother once she stares at it too long?”
“This subtle floral penis pattern is for you!”
The cushion comes in three sizes: 14 inch, 16 inch and 20 inch.
The pattern is believed to have been designed by Coey Kuhn who offers it on his blog as a “Free penis pattern!!!”.