The hilariously dramatic struggle one guy has trying to mow his lawn has gone viral and its the funniest thing you will see all day.
Global (17 May 2016) – Ricky McWells put the whole thing on Facebook which quickly went viral for all the right reasons…
McWells is all of us. Or at least any of us who’ve ever doubted how hard our partners work on doing stuff we don’t enjoy and assume it’s a task we could easily take on.
“My husband asked me tonight if I could mow the grass in the backyard. I was like ‘yeah babe! I can do that!’”
“Y’all… I could NOT do that.”
#itwasawful #ialmostdied #helockedmeoutside #abuglandedonme #imtoopretty #itwaslikeajungle #thatwasnotpartofourweddingvows #neveragain #sorryforthelanguage
Check out the whole story below…