licence Netflix Watching TV august Heritage Day
Photo Credit: Netflix

South Africans are sharing their frustrations about the latest TV licence saga by using memes to make others laugh out loud.


South Africa (23 October 2020) – It has been far too long since the last time South Africans had us laughing out loud with their meme game. If there is one thing that unites us all, it is the annoyance of having to pay a licence for television but it is just one of those weird South African things.

The thing is, the world is changing and how we consume series and movies has changed a great deal. Gone are the days that families would crowd around the TV to watch their soapies and new movies. These days we all use tablets, phones, and laptops to watch the things we love most. A house can have a TV and never be turned on because we have so many other ways to access that content.

The South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) want the definition of a TV licence to be expanded to include streaming options like Netflix. They gave a presentation to the Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Communications to state that the current licence is outdated and should be adjusted to include modern services.

They have proposed that streaming services and other premium service providers should be paying licence fees on behalf of their clients to cover the use of streaming devices.

“Including engaging with those who have been carrying the SABC programmes on their pay-TV, how do we through ICASA make sure that they too are able to assist us to collect TV licences?” 

“But we are not only limiting it to TV. We also have other platforms where people consume content and in all of those areas, that is where we should look at how we are able to get SABC licence fees from those gadgets.” – Pinky Kekana, Deputy Communications Minister

South Africans are not having it! As usual, when South Africans need to speak out about situations, they use humour to work through it. This time, they are expressing frustrations through the use of memes. Take a look at some of the ones we found below. If we missed any of your favourites, share them in the comment section.

Sources: Twitter / Facebook
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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