The 67 Blankets Springbok Blanket is nearly 50% of the way complete, but they need more blankets to make sure SA breaks the biggest blanket record.
Johannesburg, South Africa (13 January 2021) – Carolyn Steyn and Jaco Lötter spent their Women’s Day working on the next big world record plan for 67 Blankets. That was nearly 6 months ago, and since then, lots of progress has been made! The record: to knit and crochet the biggest Springbok blanket.
In a live-stream back in August, Carolyn announced that the Springbok blanket would be constructed at Siya Kolisi’s old school Grey College and that Siya will also be getting involved in the project.
To make the blanket, they need over 2700 blankets in a variety of colours. Once the blanket has been made and the record set, the best part is that it is dismantled and donated to children’s homes, elderly care homes, and other charitable organisations.
This isn’t the first time the KnitWits, an affectionate name for all those who knit or crochet blankets, have set a world record. They have previously knitted the world’s largest blanket portrait of Mandela (which was visible from space) and also knitted the world’s longest scarf.
You can join the cause and become a KnitWit via their Facebook group here. Take a look at the draft of the blanket below as well as the colour chart for the wool needed for blankets. You can knit or crochet any pattern as long as its in the selected colours and 160x160cm.
So, if you needed something to keep you busy in your lockdown hours, this could be it! They still need blankets in Emerald Green, Sunshine, Marron, Silver Grey, Gravel, Red, Royal Blue, Black and White.
Hallo Good guy
I love good news (thanks for that) and hate to complain about anything,
but … I could not get anywhere with the link/s provided for the Springbok blanket project
Is it still on going or not?
And what happened to the video of the dog that was rescued 🙁
Thanks, keep up the good work and keep safe
Good Day Maritha,
The project is still happening, if you click on the links they will take you to the group that you can join.
You will find more guidance within the group.
The video of the dog being rescued is on another page, you can find it here: