A South African man from Bellville decided to invite 300 celebrities to his wedding back in 2011. He recently shared all their responses on Twitter, including one from Tata Madiba!
A man by the Twitter handle ‘Bok and Roll’ also known officially as Louis Bam, recently shared a pretty epic story about his wedding day. He was a bit bored and decided to invite 300 global and local celebrities to his wedding, without his wife’s knowledge.
He decided to share the story online after one of his friends prompted him to. We are so glad he did because the Twitter thread is pure gold. He started off by explaining how he did it.
“Right, so the idea was simple enough. Google celebrity addresses (turns out there are websites that help stalkers with just this), mail them invites, and present my wife with an album filled with celeb well-wishes at the wedding as one of a couple of small surprises during the day.”
“My sister helped me a lot with this ludicrous idea. We sent approx 200 letters to celebrities that my wife and I liked, and world leaders that, well, lead stuff. Did not foresee that the toughest bridge to overcome would be the price of postage, but it was.”
Loius was reminded of this story thanks to the recent royal wedding. He had remembered that he had received a response on behalf of Prince Harry and Prince William. He also got a letter response on behalf of Prince Charles and the Queen as well!
It just gets better from here. He included a few politicians, namely Bill Clinton, George W Bush and even former president Jacob Zuma, who couldn’t attend due to prior commitments. He also extended an invitation to our beloved Tata Madiba.
Tata Madiba, youre sitting at the head table pic.twitter.com/dGabOJMR05
— BoknRoll🤟 (@BoknRoll) May 21, 2018
Actors Ewan McGregor and Dame Judy Dench made the list. John Travolta, who is Mr Bam’s favourite actor sent an autographed photo.
One of my favourites – John Travolta only went and sent a signed photograph.
We’re tight since then. I call him JT. He doesnt call back pic.twitter.com/yANuXn0dso
— BoknRoll🤟 (@BoknRoll) May 21, 2018
Obviously weddings wouldn’t be anything without a chef, so naturally, Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsey cracked wedding invites. Even Gareth Cliff was included, which led to their wedding being discussed on his radio show.
Invited @GarethCliff and @DamonKalvari and the rest of the breakfast team.
Imagine my wife’s surprise when her friends call her to ask why they’re discussing our wedding on 5fm.
I bough the radio clip from the sabc.
Thanks for the reply Gareth. Damon, you’re a weirdo pic.twitter.com/r56NRyq8DY
— BoknRoll🤟 (@BoknRoll) May 21, 2018
“She told me, Louis, I don’t know what you’re up to but you better not be inviting people to my wedding. We only have 120 seats and they’re full.”
We think this is one of the best Twitter threads to come out of South Africa. What a cool way to surprise your bride, with well wishes from all over the world.
Sources: Twitter via The South African
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It makes one recall all the “small”, but no so small helping hands along the way – count your blessing and maybe in a small way you have also assisted others along the way.