While it may feel like the world has stopped spinning, it hasn’t, and organisations like the SANBS still need blood donations to help South Africans survive various illnesses and situations.
South Africa (19 March 2020) – During February, the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) outlined their precautionary measures leading up to a Covid-19 outbreak in South Africa. Now that there has been an outbreak, they want to reassure the public that they are still accepting blood and platelet donations.
For once when reporting on SANBS blood levels, we can gladly say they are safe for the next five days however, that doesn’t mean the organisation wants donations to slow.
They are encouraging all donors to continue donating despite the coronavirus. Obviously, there are a few restrictions and one should not head to the local blood bank if sick.
Should you display any illness symptoms, not just those attributed to the current virus, you are urged to delay your donation until you are better.
SANBS have provided a full guide to their policies and procedures during Covid-19 which you can read here.
The organisation also want people to know that they do not test for coronavirus as the test is not done using blood, but by throat swabs, and sputum samples.
“If donors suspect a risk of infection they must contact the NICD hotline on 0800 029 999 for further guidance.”
While their blood stocks are good for now, the organisation is in need of platelet donations as they have less than a day’s worth. You can find out more or have your questions answered by checking the SANBS website here.