The SANBS helps save lives every day thanks to the incredible South Africans that sign up to become blood donors; the month of June is dedicated to every donor who has sat in the red chairs.
South Africa (07 June 2023) – June is South Africa’s National Blood Donor Month. The month is dedicated to the heroes that donate blood to the South African National Blood Service (SANBS). It is also used to raise awareness so that new donors will register. The 14th of June is World Blood Donor Day too, which sees campaigns kick-off on a global scale.
For South Africans, we have the SANBS, which has branches throughout South Africa. If there isn’t one near you, you can also arrange a blood donation drive. Each drive is attended by the SANBS team and they bring everything they need to take donations. All you need to do is work with them on setting one up in your area, and encouraging the public to join.
Blood Groups
All donors belong to one of four blood groups: A, B, AB or O. You are also classified as either Rh positive or Rh negative. There are therefore eight different main blood groups.
Not all blood groups are compatible with each other and the success of modern transfusion medicine depends on classifying and matching donors and patients correctly. Group O blood is known as the universal blood type, as it can be given to patients of any blood group.
If you do not know your blood type, you can still head down to donate, the SANBS will determine your type and inform you next time you go to donate.
Donating Blood
SANBS needs to collect 3500 units of blood a day to have a good stock level. This ensures that there is enough to treat people throughout South Africa.
Each blood donation gives patients a second chance with their loved ones. Another Christmas to remember, another summer holiday at the beach, another birthday celebration.
To become a blood donor, you must:
- Be between the ages of 16 and 75 years
- Weigh 50kg or more
- Be in good health
- Lead a healthy lifestyle
- Consider your blood safe for transfusion to a patient
- Commit to donating blood regularly
To find out more about where you can donate blood, visit or call 0800 11 90 31.