The “Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary” family and friends have taken on the Jerusalema dance challenge!
South Africa (23 September 2020) – The rhinos, staff and the local community at the “Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary” took on the Jerusalema dance challenge on World Rhino Day and the result could be the best one we’ve seen yet.
Care for Wild is the largest orphan rhino sanctuary in the world. The refuge not only rescue, rehabilitate, rewild, release and protect rhinos, but they also do so much more.
“South Africa was fast becoming the centre of the rhino poaching crisis. Rhinos were being brutally murdered daily in National Parks, Provincial Parks and on private property to meet the demand for bogus medicines made from rhino horn. The illegal rhino horn trade catapulted the status of the White Rhino to ‘Near Threatened’ and the Black Rhino to ‘Critically Endangered’.
Many of these devastating poaching incidents left behind young, defenceless, orphaned calves. As the effects of the escalating poaching crisis became evident, so too did the need for a highly specialised care facility that could support the conservation efforts to save this iconic, keystone species from extinction.”
Founded by Petronel Nieuwoudt, Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary holds an official MOU (Memorandum Of Understanding) with South African National Parks in our joint effort to safeguard the future of the species and South Africa’s heritage.
“South Africa is known for its high unemployment rate with poverty leading to high crime rates and people going hungry on a daily basis. Our vision of inclusive community involvement addresses some of these global challenges we face together. Good partnerships help us to reach our goals and achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.”
And now the rhinos, team members and community have taken on the Jerusalema dance challenge!
“Ngilondoloze translates to ‘guard me’. We will guard and protect these orphans and this iconic species. Together, we can ensure a future for all five rhino species.”
Watch the dance below: