What is better than watching cat videos? Raising funds for cats that might need our help… while watching cat videos.
Western Cape, South Africa (05 September 2022) – Cat videos are a thing, a big thing actually, so big in fact that ten years ago, the International “Cat Video Fest” was launched to collectively bring people together to watch them, and raise much-needed funds for those who didn’t have families that enjoy filming them.
Images and videos of domestic cats make up some of the most viewed content on the web, so much so that cats have often been named the “unofficial mascots of the Internet”.
The “cat video” subject has attracted the attention of various scholars and critics, who have analysed why this form of low art has reached iconic status. Although it may be considered frivolous, cat-related Internet content contributes to how people interact with media and culture. Some argue that there is a depth and complexity to this seemingly simple content, with a suggestion that the positive psychological effects that pets have on their owners also hold true for cat images viewed online.
Research has suggested that viewing online cat media is related to positive emotions and that it even may work as a form of digital therapy or stress relief for some users.
So how do we make that even better?
By bringing people together to watch cat videos while raising much-needed funds for various animal shelters and organisations.
Cat Video Fest is committed to raising awareness and money for cats in need around the world. A percentage of the proceeds from each event go to local animal shelters and animal welfare organisations. In 2019, over R800,000 was raised for local shelters where the festival took place, in addition to adoptions, fostering and awareness raised at all the shows around the world.
“By focusing our fundraising efforts on behalf of local shelters and organisations, we’re able to divert money and attention directly to the places and causes that need it most. We trust local people working on behalf of cats to know and understand the problems that need to be solved.”
And now that festival is coming to South Africa!
The Labia Theater in Orange street is playing host to Cape Town’s first ever Cat Video Fest from 22-29 September 2022. Tickets can be booked online or at the theatre on the days of the screenings.
Check out a teaser video here: